Have you thought of hosting a cloud based wiki for church staff and volunteers to maintain the information and knowledge that is unique to their parish?
Here are some of the benefits of a Wiki:
A wiki can improve your business on several levels. The collaborative nature of a wiki can:
Bring the team together. A wiki is a collaborative document by nature. It provides inherent opportunities for team members to work together and get to know and trust each other more. Potential subsequent outcomes include boosted company morale, improved team-building and reduced employee turnover.
Lead to more efficient onboarding. Instead of manually guiding new team members through all key processes, you can have them use your wiki for self-guided learning. You’ll save time training new employees on company policies and show that you value your team members’ independence. However, be clear that you’re more than happy to answer questions along the way.
Centralize important forms. Team members can access vital written information through your wiki. You can store and grant access to files like onboarding guides, document templates, your PTO policy and I-9 forms.
Create a single source of truth. The term “single source of truth,” often abbreviated as SSOT, describes the successful storage of all business data in one location. A wiki is an ideal SSOT; business knowledge experts often speak in favor of SSOT creation.